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Dehayes Continues to Achieve Workplace Wellness Recognition

By January 18, 2023January 19th, 2023No Comments



We are thrilled to announce we have been recognized by the YMCA for our workplace wellness initatives and dedication. The award recognizies the highest wellness impact in the workplace for 2022. This award follows up our recent achievement of being named a 5 star AchieveWell company by the Wellness Council of Indiana. 

Wellness Programs - AchieveWell Recognition Awards for 2018, 2019, and 2022

These two achievements are reflectent of the efforts put in by our employees and our agency to develop a culture of health and well-being. 


In 2017, we launched our wellness program with a goal to create and maintain a health-conscoius work environment. During the 5 years of the program, there has been tremendous growth and improvement. Employees are given access to wellness screenings, health risk assesments, and can use these results to build a personalized program. A recent renovation to the office also provided employees with access to sit to stand desks. These are just a few of the many strides that have been made to create a health-consious workplace. 


We are very proud of our employees’ efforts and accomplishments in this program. We look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in 2023.