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Easy to eat and a great addition to breakfast, bananas are a superfruit! With a distinctive flavor, bananas are a high fiber, potassium rich food, known to be heart healthy and easy on the digestive system.


The Basics

Most bananas are the sweet variety- the traditional yellow skinned version in every grocery store.  There are also plantain bananas which are starchier and are cooked and served as a vegetable.  Bananas are picked while still green and continue to ripen.  Choose bananas that are not bruised or have noticeable soft spots.  Select greener bananas if you plan on using them later in the week.  If you plan on eating the banana within the next day or so, choose one with a bright yellow color.  Store bananas at room temperature.  Putting a banana in the refrigerator will stop it from ripening.  If you choose to refrigerate your bananas, know that the skin will turn brown, but it doesn’t affect the fruit.  It is best to peel and prepare the bananas just before eating since the banana will turn slightly brown and soften the longer it is exposed to the air.


Try This

Bananas are a natural for desserts and baked goods, adding both flavor and nutrition. Choose ripe bananas and add to a muffin recipe. Sliced bananas are delicious in pancakes or on peanut butter toast. If you enjoy spicy foods and are feeling adventurous, add mashed banana to a curry recipe or Thai recipe that calls for coconut milk. Use the mashed banana in place of the coconut milk for a little extra sweetness.


The Facts

A medium banana has about 100 calories, and is a good source of fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium.