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What To Do If You’re in a Car Accident

Being in a car accident is stressful enough, but when you aren’t sure what you need to do or who you need to call it can get a lot more overwhelming.

Follow the tips below to stay informed of what you need to do if this should ever happen to you.


First things first: Stay Calm.

Getting worked up will only make the situation worse for you and harder to think clearly about. After the accident, assess your surroundings and passengers to make sure everyone is okay then move as far off of the roadway as you can. Warn other drivers of the accident by turning on your hazards.

Call the Police

Call 911 to notify local police of the accident. Specify where it happened, what happened, and if anyone is injured.

Take pictures of the accident

This is an important step to take as the pictures can help your insurance company assess the damage better. It will also serve as visual proof of the accident.

Exchange information with the other drivers.

Collect necessary information with the other driver(s) to make the rest of the process much smoother.  Make sure to document the following information:

      1. Names and address of all drivers and passengers
      2. Auto insurance information of the driver(s)
      3. Make and model of the cars involved
      4. Names and phone numbers of any witnesses
      5. Responding police officer’s name and badge number
Do not admit fault

Don’t talk about the car accident with anyone other than the police and your claims representative.

Contact your insurance company and report the claim

Call your insurance company as soon as you can. The sooner your insurance company knows about the accident, the sooner they can start working to resolve your claim.


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